Monday, August 30, 2010

Veer Banda Bairagi

Banda Bairagi personifies the ethos of Punjab. His story signifies the oneness of the Sahjedharis and the Keshadharis.

Banda Bairagi was born into a Sahejdhari family. He was a devout person from his childhood. Immense love for the Guru attracted him to Guru Govind Singh Ji. In his youth, Banda Bairagi became a Keshadhari and was baptised as Banda Singh Bahadur by Guru Ji.

Banda Singh Bahadur carried on a relentless fight against the Muslims. After a stormy life, full of daring adventures, he died after being captured by the Muslims and being subjected to inhuman torture where he was forced to swallow the body parts of his sons, who were murdered in front of him.

Banda died a heroic death fighting the Mughal (Muslim) Oppressors. His name has become legendary in Punjabi folklore.


  1. आर्य पथिक जी बंदा बैरागी कभी भी सिख नहीं हुए थे उनके अनुयाई तक बाद में बन्दैये कहलाए थे जिनकी बैरागी की मृत्यु के बाद सिखों से काफी नोकझोक भी चली थी अधिक जानकारी के लिए भाई परमानन्द कृत बंद बैरागी की जीवनी देखिये
    सुधीर त्यागी

  2. लक्ष्मण बैरागी हरिसिहँ पुरा करनाल.हरियाणा
